Inventory of Stephen Rawes, of Windermere, Westmorland. Dated 25th November 1623. (Windermere Line)

Images of the original documents.

a long piece of parchment photographed in six sections. Ultraviolet light was used to enhance the very faint script. The parchment contains an inventory of Stephen Rawes' goods.

A true & perfect Inventory of all the goods
& Chattells moveable & immoveable of
Stephen Rawes within the parish of Winderme
and Countie of Westmorland deceased late
Aprised the xxvth day of November
Anno Domi 1623 by these 4 sworn men
[vist] Thomas Grave James bragthat[?]
Richard Grave & George Dixon of
Brant fell as followeth

imprimis Manure & hay                     xs
I---- - theffes[?] whohe plough )      iiiis             
--- for borde & a x of potts )       
Itm for ploughes & a harrow         iiiis vd
--s 3 lathes & a f--d[?]                xiid
--- bi- rams                             xid
--- ---- Rowe                        xxvs xd
Itm a tabl & a chest wt other several[?]iiis
    Implements                          iiis
Itm yeates & a t--ghill                 iiis
Itm 2 old sithes & an old sword         xxid
Itm his Apparell                          xs
Itm a bow bow bagge & arrows            iiis
Itm 2 barrowes -- p---- small inp-e-     vid
Itm chestes stoles & thiwes[?]         iiiis
Itm pewter vessall                   iiis vd
Itm -- brasse pot a ketle & axe    vis xiiid
Itm wodden vessell                       xid
Itm Racken cooke brandreth & )           xid
surl[?] for all implements[?]         )
Itm Axes staves womble &              )
--- 20 rloames belonging to the trade)  xvis  
a forke & an Iron hammer                 xid
Itm 2 old spring wheeles bedstocke    )
Itm post welle Ropes a boyar worke    ) xvid
Itm ---st - a pity forke              )   
Itm 2 quishons & 2 old sickles         viiid
Itm a hammer & a candlesticke a  )        xd
Spalne[?] boke & some quils      )
                 ---            --
                --------- bonder          vd
Debts owing unto him
Imprimis et[?] miles[?] dxon )
-- - B-rthat                 )        xx ---

  1. It is possible that he was at one time a soldier.
  2. Brant Fell is to the south east of Windermere.
  3. Boke is a book.
  4. Brandreth is a gridiron or trivit.
  5. Quishon is a cushion.
  6. Racken is a strip of iron suspended in chimney on which to hang kettles etc.
  7. Itm ets = Item.

Other people mentioned in the Inventory.

  1. James Bragthat
  2. George Dixon.
  3. Richard Grave.
  4. Thomas Grave.

Transcribed from the original by Julian Rawes, 2016